Back into the Swing

8:44:00 AM

Ever since the wedding, my schedule has really been thrown off lately. I was used to getting up every morning at 5am to workout before work, and the past few weeks that has not been happening. Getting used to my new environment, sleeping in a REAL bed for the first time in 10 months, has been quite an adjustment. In a good way...for the most part. Besides the fact that being so comfortable in the morning has really made me slack on my working out. But last Friday I was able to revamp my workouts, starting with a trip to the gym with my old gym buddy, Rachel. I think that was all I needed, was just one time to get me back in the swing of things, and remind me how much I enjoy working out. I am off to a good start with going for a run yesterday morning and hitting the gym this morning.

Today's workout: BOOTY BLAST!

  • 35 minutes elliptical trainer: alternating between incline and levels of resistance for a booty blast workout.
  • An array of abdominal exercises, including crunches, obliques with an 8lb weight, and the Captain's Chair leg raise (bent and straight).
  • Some booty lifting and sculpting exercises that I learned courtesy of Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis Program.
    • Leg lifts to the side and back on all fours and while laying on the side
      • 30 repetitions on each leg for each exercise

It feels great to be back in the swing of things! Coming soon...home renovations and redecorating!

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