Who Said Pregnancy Was Only 9 Months???

7:44:00 AM

So last week hit 36 weeks for me...if you count an average of 4 weeks per month, yes, that is 9 months!! So whoever said pregnancy was 9 months was definitely mistaken. Full term is 40 weeks, which in my calculations is 10 months! (And let me tell you, this last month is going to be the slowest by far for me).

So where am I on my pregnancy journey now??

Picture from Easter Sunday - 36 weeks and 3 days
How far along? 36 weeks and 5 days

Total weight gain/loss: 40 lbs - I am retaining a lot of water, so am hoping some of this weight is due to that. Almost to the end though! As long as baby G is healthy that is the most important thing.

Maternity clothes? Yes for jeans/pants (mostly), still able to where regular tops and dresses. P.S. LOVE my belly band!!

Stretch Marks? Nope!! :)

Best moment of this week: I was able to get a massage on Saturday and it was absolute bliss. Having someone basically rub your feet for an hour is definitely amazing at this point in the game.

Miss anything? Still missing my non-decaf espresso, but mainly missing fitting into my shoes...

Movement: Lots! He is definitely an active little booger

Food cravings: Loving fruit and lots of sweets.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope

Have you started to show yet? Definitely!

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs? Have had a few Braxton Hicks contractions, but very few and very sporadic.

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? Off :(  However I got myself a little cheater ring to wear and people think it is real..lol I keep getting comments like - "Did you get a new wedding ring??" Makes me laugh every time.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and Anxious; I just can't wait to hold my little man!

Looking forward to: Getting rid of these swollen feet and the fact that in only 3 short weeks I will get to hold my sweet angel. We are so ready!!

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