10 Simple Date Night Ideas

1:20:00 PM

Photo Cred: ra Photography

Okay madres out there. I feel you, it is hard to find a sitter and to get out on a date night with your main man. But can I tell you, we need to do it! I'm preaching to myself here too. It is WAY too easy to put the kids to bed and check out for the night, but oh so important to make sure you stay connected to your partner. A wise woman once told me, remember how these kids got here? It all started with this relationship. So don't forget to take care of it. Wise words!

After my most recent date night with my hubby, it got me inspired, and so I wanted to share 10 super simple date night ideas (some you don't even have to leave your house) to keep in mind the next time you have an evening free:

1. Watch the sunset together. Live near a beach or body of water facing West? Take 30 minutes to walk hand in hand and watch the sun go down. You will be surprised at how just 30 minutes out and about, away from kids can stir up those old romantic feelings for each other.

2. Sushi Dinner Date. I mean, honestly go anywhere you like for dinner. I just like sushi, because it is good, not too expensive and usually pretty fast. And come on, be honest, when was the last time you both enjoyed a meal together completely uninterrupted by little people??

3. Mini Golf. Let's take it back to quite possibly your first date together. Nothing is more fun than playing a friendly game of mini golf just the two of you.

4. Movie Date. To be honest, my husband and I do NOT see many movies in the theaters any more now that we have kiddos. It is just easier (and cheaper) to stay in and rent a movie. But every once in a while, it is nice to change things up and go out and see a movie. Most theaters now also offer cocktails, so get there a couple minutes early to enjoy an adult beverage and catch up on each other's days before the picture starts.

5. Game night. Grab a deck of cards, some dominoes, scrabble, or any other 2 person game. Put the kids to bed, play some music and have a fun game night in your living room (without the TV on).

6. Get Some Ice Cream. It can be as simple as that. Grab a sitter for ONE hour and go grab a sweet treat together. Try to spend your time NOT talking about your kids (hard I know).

7. Adult Beverages. Most cities now a days have at least one cool roof top bar or somewhere fun you can go to just grab a drink and chat for a few.

8. Netflix Overload. Make some homemade popcorn and grab that leftover Halloween candy. Time to veg out and find a great movie or TV series that you and your husband can enjoy together. Sometimes it is just nice to turn off your brain for a while.

9. Bowling. Another throw back here. But just a fun way to do something a little different and get you out of the house for a little bit. Make sure you call your local bowling alley to confirm that it isn't league night...that might not make for the best date night environment.

10. Create. There are so many cool places now a days where you can go create something together. Search your local "things to do" on Groupon to find deals. You will be surprised how many things there are to do in your city. From glass blowing, to painting, to pottery. There is something for everyone.

Of course the list could go on and one, but these are just a few of the ideas I thought most people would enjoy. Now go fall in love with your man! And remember, it was your relationship together that started your family. Don't forget to take care of it!!

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