Irish Wedding Inspiration

7:59:00 AM

Top o' the mornin' to you! In the celebration of St. Patrick's Day I though I would introduce some Irish wedding inspiration starting with the traditional Irish Wedding Blessing:

It is no surprise that an Irish wedding would have a green/natural color pallet. With the beautiful countryside of Ireland, it is no doubt a gorgeous setting for a wedding and what inspiration can come from nature.

The Irish culture definitely has a soft spot in my heart because of the fact that I am approximately 25% Irish. I actually received a pretty amazing deal yesterday for a trip to Ireland and Morgan and I are now considering possibly doing that for our honeymoon. Who could not love Ireland with the super nice and accommodating people, beautiful scenery and good beer? Morgan and I both at least at some point in our lives want to go to Ireland (I want to kiss the blarney stone) so why not now??

I definitely HAVE to do this!
P.S. Don't forget to wear your green today!!

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