Father's Day Fun

7:41:00 AM

Happy Monday Everyone! Hope you all had a fantastic Father's Day with all of the men that helped make us into individuals we are today. Good or bad, you can't help but know that whomever your father is/was, he did play some influential role on the person you are right now.

Dad, relaxing by the pool

Yesterday was an absolute perfect day here in St. Petersburg, FL and when things are that nice, you just don't stay inside. We spent the afternoon playing on the beach and then came back to our house where we continued the festivities out back by our pool and then finished up with a delightful dinner that us kids prepared. Grilled pork chops, steamed broccoli, brown rice and salad; and for dessert fresh berries with vanilla Greek yogurt in a pie shell...YUM YUM!

The fam enjoying the sunshine

We had some fun with my new waterproof camera...Look what I found!

Mommy and Daddy <3

Oooommmm....Zach getting in some meditation

Walk like an Egyptian

Morgan's dog, Kono was having just as much fun in the sun as we were. Drinking a margarita and reading the paper.


Twisty Alyssa

We had a fantastic time playing in the sun and celebrating our D.A.D. Now back to the grind for the rest of the week.

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