Friendsgiving 2018

2:45:00 PM

As our kiddos are getting older and schedules are getting more and more busy without even trying, it has become so hard to get together with those people in our circle whom we love and used to do so much of life with. That is why this year we decided we wanted to host a Friendsgiving for all of our dear friends who have kids just like ours.

I had so much fun transforming our back patio into a space that was cozy and welcoming for everyone, including the kiddos!

Our lives are always being pulled in a hundred different directions and it just gets harder and harder to be a part of each others' daily lives. That is one thing that I enjoy so much about the holidays. Even though it is crazy busy with parties and gatherings, it is a time of year where we all intentionally make more time to get together with those around us that we may not see on a daily basis throughout the year.

I am amazed at how God has blessed us with such amazing friends and friends for our kids in these past few years. It can be a pretty lonely road sometimes as a parent, but God did not mean for us to do this life alone and I am so grateful for those he has put in my life whom I get to do life with. It is so important to find your people and create a community around you to support you and be a part of your life. People who build you up and people who just love on you in good times and hard times.

I think what I am most thankful for this year is God's provision of amazing people in my life and in our circle as parents that really have had such an impact on how we are raising our kids. We have grown tremendously this year as parents and I take no credit for that at all. It has only been through prayer (lots and lots of prayer) and God's gracious gift of individuals who have poured into our family, that we are seeing so much growth and change in our children. There are still many hard days, but I will tell you, we are way more equipped to handle them than we have ever been before.

I pray that each of you have the most blessed Thanksgiving holiday with your friends and loved ones. May we each take the time this holiday season to really reflect on how we are absolutely blessed each day to just have breath in our lungs.


Share with me your Thanksgiving plans. What are you most thankful for this year? Has God brought you through a seemingly impossible trial? Have you been blessed with the birth of a child? Or maybe you have had the hardest year ever and can't see anything to be thankful for. Well, you are here! And that is something to be thankful for. For this day. This moment. This time you are given to live and breath and move one step forward. 

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