Choose Joy

2:42:00 PM

Being happy is a choice, but can most times be a result of our circumstances. Joy is something we find and something we choose despite our circumstances. What is my reason for being happy and joyful today and every day? JESUS.

I heard something a while back that really helped change my perspective when doing the daily mundane, tedious tasks of the day. Dr. Bob Barnes, of Sheridan House Family Ministries in South Florida (I am an faithful listener to his podcast, Parenting on Purpose) said, "I'm doing this for Jesus." He wasn't talking about his ministry or volunteering at the local shelter, he was simply talking about emptying the dish washer. I feel like God spoke directly to my heart that day, because I have this nasty habit of feeling underappreciated and overworked with all the daily tasks of taking care of kiddos and our home (as I'm sure a LOT of you mamas out there can relate). It was like He was saying, "Morgan, I see you, don't do it for them, do it for ME."It changed my heart.

All of a sudden my bitterness and resentment turned into joy. I felt free from a prison I had put myself in. I suddenly felt totally and completely appreciated and loved for even the tiny tasks.

I don't know what you are struggling with today, but I think we all can relate that at some point or another in our life we have felt like our valiant efforts go unnoticed or underappreciated. But I am here to tell you, today, in this moment, whatever you are doing, whether it be dishes, laundry, making dinner, wiping booties, or scrubbing toilets. When you start to really and truly, from the bottom of your heart do these tasks for the creator of the Universe. Who by the way, HE SEES YOU. Who gave up everything for you. It really does help change your point of view and can help you find joy even in the ordinary, everyday.

So, my friends. I hope you read this and are encouraged today. To know that someone sees you and loves you and appreciates everything that you do. I hope today you CHOOSE JOY.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."
Colossians 3:23

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