No Liquid Diet for Me...Today

1:05:00 PM

Afternoon loves! So I have decided to not start the liquid diet, nutrient boost portion of the Metamorphosis program today. There was no way to get to the grocery store and prepare the "meals" for the day all before work, but I have still been watching what I eat. So my week of liquid dieting will have to begin tomorrow, but I'm really not sure how long I will last. Let's face it, when you are working out 6 days a week, your body is craving some major food. And since I am really not trying to lose that much weight I might just do it for a couple of days to cleanse my system. That seems pretty reasonable, rather than a whole 7 days of no solid foods.

Here's what has been on the menu so far today:
Breakfast - Yummy homemade latte and a fresh banana
Lunch - An orange and a turkey and mustard sandwich

If you had to participate in a mostly liquid diet for 7 days, could you do it?

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